Dissertation: Simulating and Diagnosing Three-dimensional Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing with the Generalized Finite Element Method
Advisor: Carlos Armando Duarte
Department of Structures
Champaign-Urbana, IL, USA
Thesis: Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Two-dimensional domain with Elastoplasticity
Advisor: Philippe Remy Bernard Devloo
Department of Structures
Campinas, SP, Brazil
Campinas, SP, Brazil
3D Simultaneous propagation of 3 initially circular hydraulic fractures with anisotropic confinement
3D Simultaneous propagation of 3 initially circular hydraulic fractures unaligned with confinement
Final shape of 3D hydraulic fractures non aligned with in situ stresses (3 superposed simulations)
3-D Hydraulic Fracturing with GFEM - Code Validation
3D Hydraulic fracture propagation near a free surface with anisotropic horizontal confinement
Krauklis waves in a pseudo 3D planar fracture: comparison between considering solid inertia or not
Numerical Analysis of Masonry Infills in the Progressive Collapse of Structures
Geometrically Accurate Representation of Curved Geometries in the Finite Element Method
H-adaptive FEM Algorithms for Topology Optimization Problems
Fracture Propagation in Unconsolidated Media using the Phase-field Method